Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that uses computer algorithms to replicate the human ability to learn and make predictions. In field service, AI is poised to streamline business processes, helping organizations realize increased workforce productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and decreased downtime. To achieve this, AI supports humans in an automated way by performing mundane tasks that require less critical thinking. This allows humans to make better use of their time, and put more focus into the projects that require their true talents and expertise.
Research from The Service Council indicates that 70% of service organizations will be burdened by the knowledge loss of a retiring workforce in the next 5-10 years. As the field service industry faces the challenge of retaining knowledge from their aging workforce and transferring that information to the next generation of service leaders, it is crucial to start planning for AI today. SightCall holds a solution.
“80% of technical experts across the industry believe AI enhances workforce skills and increases work efficiency.”
Narrative Science, State of Artificial Intelligence & Big Data in the Enterprise Report
SightCall helps service organizations build the knowledge base and dataset that are the foundation of a solid AI strategy while enriching communications between technicians and service experts. This combination enables you to automate tasks while making your service more efficient.
During a SightCall visual support session, your onsite technician uses their mobile device or wearable to connect with a remote expert for immediate assistance. SightCall AI leverages computer vision to provide live recommendations that analyze images extracted from the interaction. During the session, the remote expert can provide feedback to the machine, and rate the accuracy of its AI predictions to improve the overall output.
As you use SightCall your data will grow and create a vast repository of institutional knowledge that can be used for employee training, quality assurance, and the foundation to automate service repairs. SightCall customers experience decreased downtime, improved first-time fix, reduced truck rolls, and increased customer satisfaction.
A Gartner survey of 50 leading field service organizations showed that over 25% had AI or machine learning projects planned for the next 12 to 18 months.
Huang, Olive et a “Predicts 2019: CRM Customer Service and Support.” Gartner, 13 Dec 2018.
AI is quickly moving from an emerging technology to mainstream adoption, and it's imperative that service leaders begin building a strong foundation that will prepare them for the future. Start today by collecting valuable data from the field, providing feedback to the AI engine, and beginning to understand how AI will transform your field operations and increase productivity for your workforce. Let SightCall help you get started. Contact us for more information.