How can technology be used to make the insurance claims process more efficient? This seemed to be a major theme of America's Claims Event 2015, in Austin, TX. Many companies were looking for ways to increase their insurance adjusters' productivity and a common discussion revolved around filing claims in real-time or near real-time. Oftentimes attendees eyes lit up as they discussed the many ways to reduce wasted time with visual communications. Another major theme of the event was how to retain customers by improving customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Because there is such a high level of competition in the insurance industry, insurers must constantly ask themselves how they can improve their customer service so that there is little to no reason for customers to look elsewhere for coverage. SightCall can handle both of these issues quite easily thanks to SightCall Visual Support. Our insurance video call solution reduces time to file a claim for your customers, increasing customer satisfaction. And, by reducing time spent traveling to inspect damage or to follow up with supplemental claims, SightCall's visual claims increases an adjuster's productivity. In an auto insurance context there are two very real claims processing use cases where SightCall video calling can help process a claim more quickly: Obviously, insurance companies wanted to know how it worked, and benefited them, from a business standpoint instead of from a technical standpoint. More talk centered around ROI instead of API, which was to be expected. This is one of the main reasons SightCall offers LiveSight as an option for companies that are looking for something that is ready now instead of needing to build it into an app or within a website. Of course, LiveSight can still be customized to fit within any business' specific use case. It wasn't all business, though. As you can see from the image at the top of this post, the SightCall team had a great time exploring Austin and fell in love with the local music scene. They were even able to convince one musician to don the famous SightCall hat while performing live on stage! A "PB & J" or two (the new unofficial company drink) may have helped fuel that decision, though!

Some Quotes from America's Claims Event 2015

Many attendees at America's Claims Event were impressed with what SightCall could do for their companies and how it could help with both claims process efficiency as well as customer service. “I can really see how this tool can reduce the time to process supplemental claims“This is great to see technology guys coming to our insurance conference willing to learn our business, simplify the technology, and solve real insurance problems without tech company arrogance." As insurance industry experts and employees roamed the floor of America's Claims Event, talk of insurance could be heard everywhere. But, it wasn't all business as SightCall had a number of people recognize us for more than just our awesome technology! “Hey, there are those orange hat guys!

America's Claims Event via Twitter

After diving head first into ACE15, SightCall is eager to work with insurance companies and partners to help transform business processes and improve customer satisfaction. We experienced the direct applicability of our technology and are eager to see this industry embrace it.