Unless you visited our About Us page, you may not know that Weemo is French-rooted with most of its engineering team based in Paris. Engineering culture is very pronounced in France and globally renowned thanks to several prestigious French engineering schools. As a result, many innovative technologies are developed in France.

However, when it comes down to business, Silicon Valley appears to be the most thriving ecosystem to every promising French startup. For this reason, French politicians are compelled try to understand what leads these startups to establish a presence in the Silicon Valley and how this move benefits the French economy.

Tomorrow, François Hollande, the French President will be in San Francisco with a few of his Ministers to launch The French Tech Hub, a startup accelerator dedicated to French Startups. Thomas Cottereau, our CEO, will be there to meet with François Hollande and showcase Weemo’s technology. Below are a few words from Thomas taken on the spot today at The French Tech Hub.

Weemo Gets Ready for the French President from Weemo on Vimeo.


Below is the video of Thomas Cottereau showcasing a click-to-video button embedded into the Elysée's intranet. In a single click, the François Hollande called Fleur Pellerin, the minister of the Digital Economy.

François Hollande, The French President, Using WebRTC with its Ministers from Weemo on Vimeo. Photo courtesy Public Radio of Armenia