SightCall June Release Update

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The product team at SightCall is excited to announce a new release that is now available to all of our customers. With this release we are providing a rich toolset to help field service workers and mobile experts to be more productive. We’ve also introduced a number of features that improve SightCall when integrated into third party systems, such as Salesforce or Zendesk.

SightCall is a leader when it comes to remote visual assistance. By using SightCall, field service workers can quickly establish a live video call with a remote expert to diagnose challenging issues encountered in the field. This alleviates additional truck rolls and results in problem resolution on the first visit.

With this new release we are increasing the level of efficiency by introducing a set of new features for field service workers to address issues without the need to escalate to a remote expert. These self-guided assistance features work seamlessly with your backend field service management, trouble ticketing, and work order management system.

SightCall App

The SightCall app is designed for remote experts to deliver assistance from their mobile device while on the road. Field service workers can use the SightCall app to complete work orders quickly without additional truck rolls required. In this release we’ve added some new key features:

Integration Updates

The SightCall platform has a large ecosystem of partners. SightCall is the visual assistance tool of choice for many organizations using CRM, FSM, trouble ticketing, and even proprietary systems. In this release we have added a number of new capabilities for SightCall when integrated into third party systems, such as Salesforce.

WebRTC Updates

WebRTC is a great way to improve user experience by eliminating the need to download or install any software. We’ve continued to improve our WebRTC support with this release.

Other Updates

We have a number of improvements found in this release which improve overall usability of the SightCall platform.

For more information about this new release, contact
