Orlando, FL (PRWeb) — SightCall, the most trusted partner of Fortune 500 enterprises for contextual real-time interactions is excited to announce the launch of Visual Support at Enterprise Connect 2015. SightCall Visual Support empowers your customers to “show what they see” through cutting edge real-time tools. By doing this SightCall is pushing enterprises to the next level of customer support. SightCall has helped large enterprises save billions of dollarsby using the Visual Support solution. The secret to the success is giving customers the ability to show what they see to agents and experts with live video and screen sharing. This not only reduces the frustration of trying to explain a problem but also means solving more customer issues and decreasing merchandise returns. All of this adds up to increased agent productivity and improved customer loyalty. While many vendors consider WebRTC a business, SightCall focuses on delivering rich customer experiences that respond to enterprise needs. SightCall combines WebRTC capabilities with its own proprietary real-time features to deliver a robust customer service solution to help your business speed up ticket resolution time and increase customer satisfaction. Leading the cloud rich communication API market, SightCall considers conversations a vital part of any interaction, in any context. SightCall believes in the value of more meaningful human interactions to provide instantaneous help. And, to get your customers the experiences they deserve, you need to empower them. SightCall puts context back into the conversation by giving customers the tools they need to show agents the problem exactly as they see it, eliminating confusion and improving the experience. The customer can share his screen or his environment, leveraging the back camera of his mobile device and follow instructions from the agent who is guiding the problem solving with drawing and annotations directly on the screen. There are a lot of saving in the equation. Your company can generate 40% of operational costs savings by driving a customer to a case resolution rather than covering the cost of shipping product returns or sending an agent in the field. At Enterprise Connect find the team wearing “Show What You See” polo shirts to discover how to save millions by placing the customer in the driver's seat.
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About SightCall SightCall enables real time interactions that improve understanding, decrease time to resolution, enable upsell and reduce shopping cart abandonment. SightCall offers enterprises the APIs and SDKs they need to integrate rich contextual conversations into their mobile and web application. SightCall Visual Support gives your customers the ability to show what they see to agents, improving enterprise customer support offerings.