Weemo attended the E2 Conference in Boston from June 17-19, which was a fantastic opportunity to help shape the discussions around collaborative enterprise applications. Most enterprise vendors present focused on collaborative software tools, but none had real-time video capabilities built into their apps. Almost every single one that we spoke to, however, had real-time video on their product roadmaps.

We also had the good fortune to meet Eli the Computer Guy, who stopped by our booth to record a great little video. Up till then, we were pretty confident that our company name was totally obvious, but maybe we need to include a phonetic guide in our future marketing materials. ;-)

What visit to Boston would be complete without a stop at Fenway Park? Team Weemo wrapped up the show with an evening Sox game which, sadly, didn't work out in Boston's favor. But even watching a loss at Fenway is still a pretty great baseball experience, right?

boston fenway park e2 conference