SightCall Fall Release Update

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The SightCall team is excited to announce our Fall 2020 release. This release contains several important updates that have been requested by our users. With this update organizations can expect to see improvements that will help them to deliver better service. Here is what’s coming in this release:

Improved Multiparty

Multiparty SightCall sessions are useful when dealing with multiple people needed remote guidance or for on-the-job peer training of new technicians. The SightCall multiparty capability has been enhanced and now includes a number of new features that were previously only available in two-party calls.

No-Download Improvements

Organizations are conducting visual assistance sessions for an increasing number of self-service customer use cases. This means more users connecting with SightCall who have never used it before. Organizations want to make it as easy as possible for customers to join sessions. We’ve made several enhancements to our WebRTC support to streamline the process of joining and eliminate the need to install any software.

Advanced Annotations

A key capability used during SightCall sessions is the ability to annotate over the video image. This is an indispensable tool for the remote expert by allowing proper guidance and precise communication. While SightCall has long had annotations available, we are dramatically improving annotations.

Remote experts can live annotate on the video image using a variety of new shapes, symbols, and animated tools. This makes communication much more effective than verbal communication alone.

This release lays the ground work for the advanced annotations. The advanced annotations feature will be available later this year and will require updated plugin and mobile apps.

Other Updates

In addition to the updates mentioned above, we have a number of additional updates contained in this release to improve the SightCall platform.
